A House with Good Bones
Thanks T. Kingfisher … I never needed to sleep again anyways. 😨
Some authors understand creepy vibes and she’s one of them. When your opening line is: “There was a vulture on the mailbox of my grandmother’s house,” it probably isn’t going to become LESS creepy as you read on, and let me assure you it didn’t!
Samantha Mills is a thirty-something archaeoentomologist (they study insect life at archaeological dig sites) who’s come to live with her mom, Edie, for a few months in the North Carolina home her mom inherited from Sam’s grandmother, Gran Mae.
Immediately, Sam sees changes that her mom has made to the home that aren’t in keeping with her mother’s spunky personality. The once vibrantly colorful walls have been painted a bland ecru, a prominent painting has been switched back to one Gran Mae favored when alive, and Edie is radiating anxiety whenever Sam questions any of it or says even the least negative thing about Gran Mae. Add to that Sam’s increasingly disturbing night-time episodes, weird post-it note reminders her mom has written to herself, and a startling discovery about her great-grandfather. Then there’s the VERY unique situation in Gran Mae’s rose garden.
What’s going on? Sam’s scientific mind is finding it harder and harder to come up with a logical explanation as things become more bizarre, and her latest creepy backyard discovery is about to unleash a whole lot of unintended consequences!
As with any book, there were good points and weaker points. Kingfisher really captured the Southern gothic atmosphere, created strong characters and a compelling storyline with a dabble of historical fiction thrown in to flesh out the plot, and a deliciously intense ending (aka the reason I won’t sleep again). She also excels with her trademark humor. Where it suffered a bit was the pacing. Besides the night-time happenings, the pace felt pretty leisurely until towards the end when things went into overdrive!
If you enjoy Southern gothic stories with horror lite, some paranormal and fantasy elements, crazy-cakes endings and a touch of humor throughout, this should do the trick. T. Kingfisher always comes through with a highly imaginative story!
★★★ ½ (rounded to 4)
Thanks to Tor Nightfire, NetGalley and author T. Kingfisher for this ARC to honestly review. It’s due for publication March 28, 2023.
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